
UrbanArtistry is a nonprofit program, (supported by the Claude Harvard Foundation), dedicated to bringing art to young and old in the most interesting ways. This journal will have comments from those participating in the first UrbanArtistry workshop in Detroit, Michigan as well as the other events to follow. UrbanArtistry:Detroit creative focus is POETRY. Come journey with us as we explore the arts and contribute to the greatest good!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The One and Only

What do I call original?Urban Artistry.This is my second day out with the group and what we have done so far has been relaxing yet exciting.The excitement will always be within all of us especially when we start something new.Personally I think that as this program continues to grow it will be a success in the distant yet near future.The leadership is a key thing. So far form what I see, we have a good leader.Also, please excuse me for not properly introducting myself my name is Ashley.


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